Photograph courtesy of Chaz Prymek

Jordan Knecht is an artist, educator, musician, DJ, and systems designer, surfing the wave of unknowing. Jordan's work is rooted in play, a guiding force which informs all projects and collaborations.

Over the past five years Jordan Knecht moved from Denver to Chicago, worked at a ramen shop in a basement, went through some breakups, found a therapist who did EMDR, completed graduate school during a global pandemic while teaching art at three elementary schools remotely and house sitting back and forth across the United States for about 16 months, experienced some deep self-shattering, started climbing, began DJing, founded a new performance project, almost went on tour, but caught covid instead, successfully went on tour a few months later, bought around 3,000 pounds of used turf from a football field in Denver, finished therapy, shook out around 2,000 pounds of synthetic fill from the turf with the help of some very kind friends, learned a bit about the chemistry and biology of scent, and read quite a few books while lying down by Lake Michigan. Jordan still lives in Chicago, but given the way he’s been living for the past five years, it’s reasonable to be unclear on that fact.